Advamation C Library
Version: | 2014-03-06 |
Status: | beta |
Author: | Advamation, Roland Koebler ( |
Copyright: | (c) Advamation ( |
License: | open-source / MIT |
RCS: | advamation.c,v 1.12 2014/03/06 13:43:23 rk Exp |
Generic functionality, used in various Advamation software.
Table of contents
1 logging
1.1 configure logging
All messages up to "level" are printed and/or stored in the logfile. DEBUG/INFO are printed to stdout, MESSAGE/WARNING/CRITICAL/ERROR to stderr.
The available levels are:
Usage: | AM_ERROR am_logging(char const *log_domain, FILE **f, enum am_log_level level, char const *logfile, enum am_log_level logfile_level) |
Parameters: |
Returns: | 0 on success,
<0 on error:
AM_ERROR_FILE_OPEN (see errno for details)
Example: | static FILE *f_log = NULL; am_logging(G_LOG_DOMAIN, &f_log, level, logfile, logfile_level); |
2 misc
2.1 CRC: SMBus PEC
Calculate CRC/PEC according to SMBus.
Usage: | uint8_t am_crc_smbus(uint8_t crc, uint8_t byte) |
Parameters: |
Returns: | new crc |
3 map integers to strings (and vice-versa)
e.g. for mapping error-codes to error-messages, or for mapping user-given-strings to ids.
3.1 lookup integer -> string
Get string for a given integer.
Usage: | const char* am_int2str_lookup(const struct am_int2str *map, int32_t key, bool or_enable) |
Parameters: |
Returns: | the string/or-combinated string, or NULL |
Note: | A returned "or-combinated" string is truncated to 255 bytes (with the last 2 characters being ".."), and will be overwritten by the next call! |
Example: | simple example: const struct am_int2str mapping[] = { {MY_VAL01, "MY_VAL1"}, {MY_VAL02, "foo"}, {MY_VAL04, "bar"}, {0, NULL} }; printf("\"%s\"\n", am_int2str_lookup(mapping, MY_VAL02, FALSE)); printf("\"%s\"\n", am_int2str_lookup(mapping, MY_VAL02|MY_VAL04, FALSE)); printf("\"%s\"\n", am_int2str_lookup(mapping, MY_VAL02|MY_VAL04, TRUE)); printf("\"%s\"\n", am_int2str_lookup(mapping, MY_VAL02|MY_VAL04|128, TRUE)); result: "foo" "(null)" "foo|bar" "foo|bar|128" |
3.2 lookup groupname + integer -> string
Like am_int2str_lookup, but with a whole group of different mappings. The 1st group is the "fallback-mapping", which is used if either the "mapname" or the key in the "mapname" cannot be found.
Usage: | const char* am_int2str_group_lookup(const struct am_int2str_group *group, const char *name, int32_t key, bool or_enable) |
Parameters: |
Returns: | the string, or NULL if the group or key is not found |
SeeAlso: | am_int2str |
Example: | simple example: const struct am_int2str_group mapping_group[] = { {"_FALLBACK_", _M{ {-1, "ERROR"}, { 0, "OK"}, {0,NULL}} }, {"MY_MAP1", _M{ {100, "foo"}, {101, "bar"}, {0,NULL}} }, {NULL,NULL} }; char *str1 = am_int2str_group_lookup(mapping_group, "MY_MAP1", 101); //-> "bar" char *str2 = am_int2str_group_lookup(mapping_group, "MY_MAP1", -1); //-> "ERROR" |
3.3 reverse-lookup string -> integer
Get an integer for a given (case-insensitive) string.
Usage: | int am_int2str_rlookup(struct am_int2str const *map, char const *str, int fallback) |
Parameters: |
Returns: | the integer, or the default value |
4 UI-functions
4.1 print an unsigned integer in binary
Usage: | void am_print_uint_bin(uint32_t uint, int n_bits) |
Parameters: |
4.2 map AM_ERROR_* to a string
Usage: | const char* am_error2str(AM_ERROR err) |
Returns: | the string or "unknown" |
4.3 map AM_CMD_* to a string
Map an am_cmd-value to a string, e.g. AM_CMD_ECHO or 0x20 is mapped to "ECHO".
Usage: | const char* am_cmd2str(enum am_cmd cmd) |
Returns: | the string or "unknown" |
4.4 map string to a AM_CMD_*-value
Parse a string and map it to an am_cmd-value, e.g. "ECHO" to AM_CMD_ECHO (0x20).
Usage: | int am_str2cmd(const char *str) |
Returns: | the AM_CMD_*-value or -1 |